Mid Twin.

Rocker: 40% Drive & Speed / 25% Flow / 35% Pivot & Response

Contours: Front – Vee / Back – Double Concave Vee

Construction: PU + Stringer / Fiberglass / Polyester Resin

Wave Size: 1– 6 Feet (Flat – Overhead)

The Volume Mid Twin combines the best features of a midlength, namely paddle power and flow, and adds a layer of speed, smoothness and the ability to pivot tighter off the tail. This board reeks of down-the-line glide with a healthy serving of release.

This board is tuned so you can paddle onto waves early, set your line and go. Once up and riding there’s enough performance in the design to slice a long carve, drive effortlessly through a roundhouse cutback and pivot smoothly off the top. In comparison to the 2 + 1 round tail Midlength, the Mid Twin has extra release and a subtle feeling of drift when carving off the top.

Featuring classic outline curves from the 70’s, a curved swallow tail and a contemporary array of concaves on the bottom, the Mid Twin offers a smooth yet highly responsive feel for a board of this length.

With exceptional trim speed over flatter sections and the ability to duck and weave through steeper parts of the wave, this is the perfect board for dedicated surfers wanting to maintain their status in the line-up, and the older crew needing to keep up with the kids.

Fin recommendations:

FCS II Power Twin (Flow and tighter pivot turns)
FCS II Modern Keel (Flow and longer tuns)


6’8” x 21 1/8’’ x 2 5/8 ‘’ (40.8L)

6’10” x 21 1/4’’ x 2 11/16 ‘’ (43L)

7’0” x 21 3/8’’ x 2 3/4‘’ (45.5L)

7’2” x 21 1/2’’ x 2 13/16’’ (48L)